Reegan's 2 year check up was today and she is doing great!! She weighs 31 lbs (90%) and is 34" tall ( 65%) and the doctor said she is VERY advanced on her
speech. He asked me if we have noticed any problems about her speaking and I was like, "well we can't get her to be quite for more than 1 minute.." I thought it was comical but the doc did not. He said that by this time she should know about 50 words and should be trying to put two words together to start forming sentences. About that time
Reegan said " Mommy you read the book first" and the doctor's mouth just dropped open. Then
Reegan said " mommy all done, have my sticker please" and he was truly amazed. He just couldn't believe it. This was the doctor that she saw when she was first born and he gave
Reegan the okay to leave the hospital so he enjoyed seeing her again. I asked him about a height estimation and he gave said that
Reegan would be about 5'5 which is taller than me!
Colten is doing great and can already roll over from his stomach to his back ( his been doing this for about 3 weeks) and he almost has it from his back to his stomach. All he wants to do is stand up and I measured him today and he is 24 1/2" making him 10" shorter than
Reegan at less than 4 months old. Things are going great with the family and my classes are awesome. I just started two new classes yesterday and I am now over half way done with my associates degree. I will be done around June of next year but I'm not going to walk in graduation until I get my associates degree. I think that's it for now and I will post pictures of
Reegans b-day once I put batteries in my camera. Until next time....