Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I've been feeling kinda crappy the past couple of days. Not sure what's up but I wish it would stop. I've been nauseus the past 2 days and today I've been kind of light headed and dizzy. Nick asked me yesterday if I was pregnant and I HIGHLY doubt that is the case. I just feel BLAH!

Nick and I got in a fight yesterday. He didn't come home till like 7pm and was at our friends house hanging out drinking a few beers. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with this but like I said I'm feeling crappy and Reegan was insanely fussy last night. He got home and I immediately starting in on the bitching. I know I shouldn't have but I was dead tired. I told him that I need help around the house but he just doesn't understand. He thinks because he works outside all day long and that I work inside that I don't work hard. I tried to explain to him that while he is sleeping peacefully all night long, I'm up with Reegan in the middle of the night if she happens to wake up, then I go to work all day to come home and take care of Reegan, feed her, cook dinner, put her to bed and clean the kitchen! My day never ends. He really just doesn't get it and I don't know what to do to make him understand. He grew up in a house where is mom did everything for him so he thinks it should be the same way in our house. Now don't get me wrong I love taking care of my family but when I have to work a full time job and then come home to work some more while he gets to relax in front of the TV I get kinda pissed. It seems like I'm always busy doing something. It's very frustrating! Needless to say he hasn't really spoken to me today, I called him earlier to ask about some groceries he needed for his deer hunt and he was very standoffish. Well, no one ever said marriage was easy, and of all days to get in a fight on. BOO HOO for me :(


Kim & Max Willis family said...

welcome to REAL Marriage!ha ha!after a year of it I think reality sets in( it did for me)I had a baby before our first anniversary too! You work a full time job and are expected to do all the household chorse and take care of the baby! um....I don't think so! when max and I were first married I set the ground rules that if we both work out side the home then we both do the chores equally. Now that I am a stay at home mom/ hair stylist.. I do the most house work, but i do what i can and he will make up the rest. I'm not even close to perfect on house cleaning and he has learned to except that!Their have been many fights along the way to get their though. Max's mother did everything for her husband and kids...I don't know how she did that. I on the other hand will not do everything for him because men don't appreciate it! wow I could rant and rave for hours..... call me if you need any more advice.

Taryn and Sterling said...

I am sorry you had a bad day. It is no fun to get into fights. It will get better. I have been married for 7 years and am embarassed to say that I don't think Sterling has ever washed a dish. I guess I have learned to accept what I can't change.

nate and amy crandell said...

I hate bad days!! But I guess thats what makes us appreciate the good days even more I hope you have a beter day today!! :)

Kim & Max Willis family said...

no problem! hey erica is really excited to watch Reegan! and the money is a added PLUS! im glad that she can do it!!

Doug and Amanda said...

Quit your job and see how he likes it! Ha ha. No, try not to be petty, cause that makes things worse. But I can understand your frustration. Did his mom work when he was growing up? I'm guessing not. It is so much harder to juggle work and motherhood. I hope you guys can come to an agreement. Good luck!

Miss JC said...

Thanks, girl! I appreciate the welcome to OSB...you were the first to say hi! :)

Taryn and Sterling said...

Crandell Crew is Preston and Kelley