Friday, January 30, 2009

Scary Times

Well I know that I haven't written in a while but I just got out of training at work and I'm out on the floor now. I love my new job. My days go by so fast and there is such opportunity for growth at my new company. My boss knows that after 6 months I want to be on the path to management, and I think I can do it! Nick is good he has been working out of town the past month so he has only been home on Saturdays and Sundays and leaves Monday mornings. Thankfully the job just finished up and it is so good to have him home. Reegan is almost walking on her own now. She walks around the coffee table and will step from recliner to recliner so I know that one day she is just going to take off. Now here comes the scary part....

I'm actually posting today from Banner Thunderbird Hospital in the pediactric wing. I noticed on Wed. night that Reegan was starting to get a deep cough. I didn't think anything of it because it wasn't that bad and nothing else was wrong with her. She was playing, laughing and eating normally. By bed time she was just really tired like she was starting to get a cold. I put her to bed and she slept all night. I woke up to get ready for work about 4:15ish. I gave Reegan a bottle about 4:30am. When I got her out of bed to leave about 4:45 I noticed that she was very hot. I ran out to the car to get her thermometer from her diaper bag and as soon as I placed it in her armpit it immediately jumped to 100.4 and started increasing from there. At 103.6 Nick and I got her into the car and drove to the nearest ER to us. The ride was about 10 mins. We didn't have to wait to get back into a room and they took her temperature rectally (which is the most accurate) and it was 104.1 I was devastated. I didn't know what was wrong and how this could have happened out of the blue. The took some test : blood, urine, x-ray, RSV. Her breathing was so fast and labored it was so scary. Everything came back negative and they said she probably has a virus and that they were waiting for an available bed to open up at any of the pediactric hospitals. We got to the ER about 5:10 in the morning and Reegan and I were transported by ambulance to Banner Thunderbird about 12:30pm. It has been a long day and an even longer night. We did find out that Reegan has Croup ( which is the deep cough) that was brought on by the virus. She was given some steroids that have really helped loosen and open up her airway. Other than that everything looks great. Her fever is gone and she has started playing and laughing again. She's asleep right now which is good because she didn't get much sleep last night. She has been crying and throwing fits every time I try to change her diaper, I think she is traumatized from the rectal temperatures. I hope everything goes back to normal soon. As for another kicker. Nick and I don't have insurance yet. My insurance is supposed to kick in on Sunday Feb 1st and we don't think that they will cover any of this so it will all become an out of pocket expense. A lady from Access came in this morning and we are trying to get Reegan covered with that, but I doubt we qualify. I'm just hoping we can go home today. Wish us luck!


nate and amy crandell said...

sad day :( I hope she gets better soon! and everything works out!

Anna Lefler said...

So glad the scary tests came back negative. That croup sound could scare the daylights out of anyone...

Hang in there and get home soon and safely. Hope you have a smooth night with lots of rest...

:^) Anna

Dave & Susie Crandell said...

I'm glad she is doing better. How scary for you!

Bethany said...

How scary! We were just in the hospital with a similar thing. Jeffy had bronchialitis. And our insurance was just shy a week of kicking in too. Sad day.

I hope she's doing better now! She sure looks cute!