Thursday, October 30, 2008

6 month check up

** First off, I'm sick and tired of these hot ass days! I'm ready for winter. I hate getting into my vehicle after work at 5pm and seeing this. And in case you cant see what it says it says 99 degrees at 5pm!!**
I took Reegan to her 6 month check up today. First I went to the wrong Doctor's office :( They called to remind me about the appointment and didn't tell me which office. I went to the one by my house only to realize I was at the wrong location. I was so mad because her appointment was a 8:30am and they don't even answer the phones till 8:30am. I was trying to call all morning and no one would answer. They I had to drive into town so I was about 15 mins late to my appointment. Whatever! On a positive note they told me I didn't have a co-pay. There was a credit on my account for $15.00. I thought this was weird because when I took her into the Dr.'s 2 months ago they said my co-pay went up to $15 from $10 and they said I had to pay some back owed money. I ended up paying like $35. So I guess they were wrong and they just credited me the money back.

Well, we got her stats and she is WAY below the norm but she is very advanced in her motor skills and in her learning. As always the DR. was very impressed on the things she can do like how she can go from laying to sitting up all by herself and how she can pull herself up into a standing position. I think Reegan needs to show off for the DR. She is always so good and happy and smiling for her. So here's the new stats

height: 25 3/4 " - 42 percentile
weight: 15lbs 14 oz - 44 percentile
head circumference : 16.5 " - 27 percentile

If you noticed from her last weigh-in Reegan has lost some weight. I contribute this to FINALLY finding a formula that works. We put her on a lactose free formula about 1 month ago and she has been doing wonderfully. She can drink a straight formula bottle which she hasn't been able to do since she was 2 months old. I'm so glad that Reegan is growing and thriving. We were watching a Baby Einsteins this morning it was Baby's First Signs. It teaches little kids how to use sign language. It's really neat and just teaches them basics like eat, drink, sleep, mommy, daddy, baby. Things like that. This should really come in useful when she wont be fully talking yet.

I got a few pictures from last night, and I got my new hair bow in the mail from Busy Baby, Busy Mama. It is so cute, a little big but way cute. Right now Busy Baby, Busy Mama is giving away a $50.00 gift certificate for her boutique. Go here to enter the giveaway. Oh yeah if you mention my name and our relation I will get another entry into the giveaway.

This is just one of her regular hair bows that I bought at Wal-Mart

Here is her new bow that I won! See what I mean, it's a little big

Below are just a few random pictures of Reegan playing with Hunter. She does this thing where she will reach as far forward as she can without moving her legs. You can see she is almost sitting Indian style and just leans forward. Most of the time this ends in a face plant on the carpet.

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