Monday, November 17, 2008

All Moved In.... Sort of

Well we are completely out of the old house. We moved all day Saturday. Broke our big screen t.v. in the process. It's not completely broke but we need to find a new screen to cover the front of the TV. Right now, since it's a rear projection there is a rainbow on the existing screen. (it's a two part thing, weird I know). Anyways so now I have to find one. My mom came over to the old house yesterday to help me clean. In all honestly I don't think the house was that clean when we moved into it. I was busy shampooing/vacuuming the carpets while my mom cleaned the bathrooms/walls/some baseboards. Then I swept and mopped the kitchen while she loaded the fridge/freezer into ice chests and wiped it all down. Then I helped load our spare bed into her truck (Nick and I donated the bed to Sarah ) and we left. It was so exhausting. Then to come home and find a mess of all our stuff. Nick and our friends that helped on Sunday just pretty much unloaded everything in the garage and in the kitchen. Reegan's room was also a disaster with stuff they brought over Sunday. Almost everything that arrived on Saturday I had gotten a chance to put away. Reegan's room was set up as was her bathroom and ours. Needless to say I got home yesterday and was in shock at how much we actually have to do. Nick and I unloaded the little bit of stuff that I brought in my truck and then we had to go pick up Reegan from Nick's aunt and uncle's house. I'm so glad that they watched her because there would have been no way I was going to be getting anything done if she was around. And I don't mean that in a bad way. We ate dinner with the aunt and uncle, which we will pretty much be doing this whole week since our house is a mess and they only live 1.5 miles away. ( yes we tracked it last night ). Any who next week is Thanksgiving and I'm so excited. My dad is coming in from California with my grandpa. He has been working over there since right after I had Reegan and he has only seen her like twice, well besides all the pictures I send him and my grandpa has never met her. I'm so thrilled that Reegan will finally get to meet her Great Grandpa. There will be lots of pictures to follow. I will also try and get some pictures of our mess of a new house. But I'm afraid they will be from the cell phone as our camera is packed away and I could not begin to say in which box.

p.s. funny story here. We stayed the night at the new house on Saturday and we made sure we brought the dog door so that Hunter could go out in the middle of the night to go potty. Well we knew that the backyard had a sprinkler system that we thought went off during the day. HAHA guess we were wrong. At some point Saturday night/early Sunday morning the backyard got watered and Hunter went out a played in the water. He came back in and jumped on the bed. I, not yet knowing he was wet, didn't think anything of it. Then he came up to my face like he wanted to get under the covers so I pulled up the blanket and Hunter started rubbing his wet body all over the sheets! I screamed at him to get off the bed, which in turn scared the crap out of Nick and Hunter proceeded to crawl under the bed and go to sleep. I heard him snoring comfortably about 5 mins later. What a pain. Ahh the joys of parent-hood. Yes Hunter is our first child. Pictures soon to follow!


nate and amy crandell said...

hahha oh I love that story I would have been so mad at that dog/hunter haha! hey I didn't know you moved if you need any more help let nate and I know:)

FROGGITY! said...


congrats on moving!

Doug and Amanda said...

Oh, moving always seems like no big deal, and then you do it, and it is a crazy amount of work! But it's worth it. Always nice to have a change of scenery. Congrats! Can't wait to see the pics!

Kim & Max Willis family said...

so when does you new job start? you will have a normal schedule then right? by the way---
Reegan is so stinking cute! she was over last Friday! she LOVES to be held! My favorite is when she starts to wave her arms and grunts if you walk by and don't pick her up! she's a doll!! Im so glad that I get to see her often! That will keep our kids close!!