Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Blogtastic survey

1. What is your husbands name? Nicholas Lee Cloyd
2. How long have you been married? 1 year 22 days
3. How long did you date? 4 years 8 months
4. How old is he? 24, he will be 25 on Dec 30th
5. Who eats sweets? We both do but he eats WAY more than me.
7. Who is taller? Nick by far
8. Who can sing better? Probably me, but sometimes if we are out dancing he will sing to me and it's so special that I don't care if it's not the best singing.
9. Who is smarter? I am more book smart and Nick is way more street smart
10. Who does laundry? Me
11. Who pays the bills? Me
12. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Nick does
13. Who mows the lawn? neither of us has mowed the lawn at our new house and at our old house I did it once and Nick did it once then we hired a landscaper to do it.
14. Who cooks dinner? Me
15. Who does the dishes? Me, wow it seems like I do A LOT more here
16. Who is first to admit they are wrong? neither of us we are both very stubborn
17. Who kissed who first? We kissed each other on New Year's Eve
18. Who asked who out first? Nick asked me first
19. Who wears the pants? I think we share that.

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