*I first want to greatly thank my wonderful husband for watching Reegan on Sunday while I got to go to the movies. It was really such a great gift to be able to send about 4 1/2 hours of "me" time especially since I've been so distant while reading. Thank you!!*
Well I finished the Twilight series last night. 4 books in 6 days. The first 3 books took me 1 day each. Lets just say that by Thursday and having not done really anything at work for the past 3 days I got in trouble. That really put a hinder on my at work reading for Friday. I was kind of pissed off. Friday my boss was like hovering. I don't think he's come by my desk that many times since I've been here let alone in 1 day. They guy that sits behind me was getting kind of pissed too. He wanted to know why my boss didn't just leave me alone. Whatever. I'm over it and this job. So I started reading the 4th book on Friday and finished it last night at like 11pm and I get up at 4:30am to get ready for work. Needless to say I'm dead tired! Nick was feeling kind of forgotten during my reading so I know he's glad I'm finished. I also went and saw the movie yesterday. Great movie, not nearly as good as the book though, but isn't that normally how it is? I met some friends at the theater and occasionally we would whisper to each other, " That's not how I pictured it in my head." I really only have 2 problems with the movie. Number 1 was "Bella's" acting. Sometimes I think she really overdid it. If you've seen the movie or will see it my main point of disturbance was when she was in the hospital the 2nd time, telling Edward he couldn't ever leave her. I think it was a bit over done and I really just wanted to be like "SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!!!!" 2ndly did anyone notice that when Billy and Jacob came to Charlie's house for the first time that Billy was driving? Umm, why is Billy driving he's in a wheelchair. I mean he literally gets out of the truck and into a wheelchair. Oh well, I still loved the movie and I WILL be buying it as soon as it's out on video. I will also need to invest in actually buying the books for myself. I want to thank my cousin Erica for letting me borrow her series. That's all I'm saying on this matter.
Reegan is turning 7 months old today. I really can't believe that it's already been that long. I'm already thinking of party ideas for her first birthday. Is this too soon? Well, she still isn't crawling and she still doesn't seem to really want any part of it. She will roll all over the house till she's up against something, it up and pull herself to standing. Everyone keeps telling me she needs to crawl first, but really what am I supposed to do. HELLO? She doesn't want to do it. She will hardly get on her hands and knees. She likes being on her hands and feet thought, almost like a downward dog yoga pose. She's crazy. I've also tried giving her solid foods. We had an early Thanksgiving dinner with Nick's aunt and uncle and I was giving her pieces of turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie (no cool whip or crust). She really enjoyed it and kept everything down. It didn't seem to bother her stomach at all. It's really funny to watch her eat, especially since she doesn't have any teeth. She just gums everything. I know I mentioned in my previous post how Reegan has learned to stand in her crib. It's so frustrating because she will just barely wake up, like if she just wants her pacifier and she will sit up and cry. I'm having to go in and check on her way more than I used to. But I did get a picture of her standing. Please note that she is crying it was just because mom took too long to get her out of the crib after she was already awake. But hey, I needed the picture.

I don't really have that much more to report. We have not completely finished unpacking all of our boxes so when that is done, then I can get some pictures up. I start my new job on Monday and I'm so excited. My last day at Toyota is "technically" Friday but since I've decided I'm not coming in that day and we have Thursday off for T-giving, it will be on Wednesday. I have to say that I'm SOO glad to be leaving. They have completely screwed up my schedule this week, which totally sucks. Anywhoo that is it for now. Sorry this is such a long post but I had so many things to report.
1 comment:
YAY i'm glad you got to go see twilight to be honest I think i'm not going to read the books and just go see the movie, I know thats terrible but I've always done that (just see the movie instead of read the books):) Well that will be fun to start your new job, sounds like the old one wasn't very fun! Good luck with everything, oh and if you are going to Grandma Joy's for thanksgiving then we will see ya!
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