Thursday, November 6, 2008

Missed my weigh in Wednesday

OSBers!! Well I should have blogged about this on Wednesday I will post now. I've been trying my absolute hardest to stay away from the Halloween candy. It helps that we didn't take Reegan Trick o treating and we didn't pass out candy at our house. I know, I know how could we not pass out candy and help get these overweight children gain a couple of more pounds? Well, I worked Friday night and having to give up candy is not really Nick's thing. As for the weigh in, I didn't lose any weight this week but I didn't gain any either. So I guess that is a plus. Nick has still yet to move the damn treadmill into the house and he left today to go hunting and won't be home till next Sunday. I'm thinking I will just plug it in and run in the garage. Well at least I will be able to eat healthy without him saying something. Good luck to me this week and good luck to Mallory who will totally dominate over her husband in their personal weight loss challenge!

1 comment:

Mallory said...

Whoo hooo!!! thanks for your support! as we all know the first couple days can be REALLY hard so its nice to have your support to keep me going! and I AM totally going to win! thanks for all your advice, it is REALLY helping!